The Global Leader in Efficiency Restoration and Emissions Reduction in Climate Control and HVAC Systems.
The majority of HVAC systems in service use 30-50% more energy than they are supposed to consume. Powertron Global is the only company known to develop products and services to restore systems to their intended design efficiency. We have made a science of it and offer solutions that are proven and truly unique.
HVAC energy use, and efficiency loss is now one of the threats to sustainability. Globally there are 1.6 billion HVAC TONS in service and a recent International Energy Agency (IEA) study stated growth by 2050 is projected to surpass 5.6 billion HVAC TONS. Another article by MIT found that the energy consumed by HVAC moving forward could negate all other sustainability efforts worldwide.
With no upfront capital expenses, you can save energy, reduce maintenance, extend equipment life of your HVAC system while shrinking your carbon footprint using Powertron Global’s Thermal Ecosystem Optimization Services (ThEOS)