Facilities and their components are complex systems. With our cloud-based metering, controllers and analytics you can free your staff from much of the day to day management and operation of facilities, reducing cost and allowing you to focus on your core business.
It’s in the cloud, always on, always analyzing your facilities and equipment, always aware. The moment there is a problem you are notified and help is on the way.

The right information on any device any time you need it.
Desktop Tablet, Phone, see your buildings in one dashboard.
A dashboard that has the information you want to see about your operation at a glance.
Point click compare analyze, its easy.
Beautiful data visualizations that give you the immediate information you seek.

Metering that means something before its too late.
See consumption across your entire portfolio. Compare like facilities utilizing local weather data. Find anomalies in your operation, set alerts for metrics of interest and actionable items. Trend real-time operations vs. historic. Do things that were never possible to do before with your buildings controls.

Reduce peak demand before you exceed it.
Are you tired of finding out when you created a new peak after the fact. With self aware electrical monitoring know what your demand is now and do something about it. With our cloud analytics you can monitor your energy usage and demand and predict your current demand based on historical usage with comparable weather data. We give you the smarts to do smart energy management.

Chillers and air conditioners meet the cloud.
Give your facility operation instant access to cloud analytic data from your chiller plant controller or BMS. We interface with your current chiller management system. We can also interface our IoT chiller kit that has all the sensors you need to view and analyze chiller performance independently. Both are great ways to track chiller performance, kw/Ton and other metrics, to prove out ECMS, verify your sensor calibrations and auto diagnose issues when and before they occur.
Chillers and peak demand.
Peak demand charges can become excessive depending on chiller plant management and operational strategy. Combined with our power management solutions you can better manage peek demand.
There are three ways we can help you manage peak demand regarding chillers:
• PermaFrost NRM® & Engineering Services – to optimize chiller efficiency to lower kW/Ton of running chillers
• New peak prevention – using our cloud analytics and predictive planning. Know when a new peak is going to hit and take a chiller off-line
• Load controller on non VFD drives
Auto respond to maintenance.
The cloud is always on, always analyzing. Powertron IoT enables you to know what is broken, when it is broken. Reduce the amount of service trips required to diagnose and fix problems. Create alerts for any event that needs your attention and reduce service expenses drastically. With our bolt on kits you do not need to replace your HVAC systems to have state of the art IoT technology.
Use your service company or ours, we have you covered.
You can use your existing service provider or use our network of providers. With Powertron IoT we know there is a problem before it costs you significant energy or operational waste. Sending the right parts at the right time lowers your cost of operations. Using our full lineup of products and services you can drive your maintenance expenses to net zero.
Go big or small, its up to you.
The Powerton IoT solution is easy to implement and grows with your needs. It plugs right into your buildings existing management system making your building instantly cloud aware.
You can leverage your buildings existing metering infrastructure. If you need data that your not measuring, simply install additional meters and connect them to our cloud. Say goodbye to BMS vendor lock-in.

The time is now.
Start with a quick win for your enterprise. Get ahead of the competition. Build your dream system with us. We are the most compelling cost effective energy management platform and service offering in the market. Affordable and easy to set up.
We will work with you to develop a solution that fits your exact needs. From devices needed, meters required, configuration, support and education, we have you covered.